Thread: Birch Syrup
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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Birch Syrup

Doug Weller wrote:

> I'd forgotten Royal Castle. Thanks for the reminder. I wonder if we ever
> went to that one. That's not far from the Miami and Coral Reef Yacht Clubs
> I think.

I just pulled up google maps. That Royal Castle would have to be the
closest to the yacht clubs. If there were any closer, Dad would have
taken my brother and me there instead. My clearest memory of the Royal
Castle was that it was the restaurant where my father taught me to talk
directly to the counter help and place my own order rather than his
doing it for me. That puts me around age 6-9. (I was born in 1958.) I
was a picky kid who wanted my hamburger with only the bun and the
burger, no ketchup, mustard, or anything else. So that was where I
learned to order the burger "plain." If I forgot, the burger came with
diced onions on it.
