Good stock pots for boiling water on ceramic top range
Well, I take exception to this, since I am supposed to know
physics quite well ;-)
1) "The thicker and heavier the pot, the better it will conduct".
Sure, but I want heat to be conducted _upwards_, from stove to water.
So, "thicker" in the down-to-up direction just means "wider".
You are saying that wider pots (on wider burners) work better.
I don't argue with this.
2) Not all metals used for cooking are good conductors: stainless steel
is a poor conductor, while aluminum or copper are much better.
Since I want to heat the water, rather than the air around it,
the best pot would be one whose bottom is very conductive, and whose
sides are not good conductors (to keep the water inside warm, instead
of heating the air). This would call for an aluminum (or copper) bottom,
and stainless steel sides.
Pots that use good heat conductors in the sides do so for cooking
roasts or other food; for heating water, it's not only not needed,
but (very slightly) counterproductive.
In any case, I thank you for your comments.
And by chance, I think on the web I found again what was the pot
I was using (borrowed) during college time that worked so well
for heating water fast: it was a Revere with aluminum disk bottom.
Which confirms my above theory!
Ok, it seems my problem is solved without complicated Lagostinas to buy.
Colin > wrote in message >...
> Peter,
> Your understanding of physics is slightly incorrect.
> > The pot needs to be lightweight (less mass to heat), except
> > that the bottom has to be flat, and as good a heat conductor
> > as possible.
> Heat conduction is directly related to thickness and mass. Just as in
> electrical wires (the thicker the wire, the more electrons it can
> carry), the thicker and heavier the pot, the better it will conduct heat.
> Since metals used for cooking are all 'good conductors", they will
> conduct the heat quickly to the material inside. In addition, since
> metals don't hold heat well, there is little heat loss due to the mass.
> Note that silver and copper are the best conductors, as they are very
> dense, compared to aluminum, the third best conductor.
> You are correct in that the flatter the bottom, the better it is for use
> with a flattop cooking unit.
> Colin