Good stock pots for boiling water on ceramic top range
LRod wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 16:14:33 -0400, Nancy Young
> >Debbie Deutsch wrote:
> >> Sheryl Rosen > wrote in
> >> > what, pray tell, is ally?
> >
> >> Kate is a Brit. Ally = aluminum (in the US).
> >
> >I guess that's shy they say we're separated by a common language.
> >When we mean aluminum, we say aluminum.
> Don't forget, even when they say aluminum, they say it aluminium.
> (you'll have to look closely)
Actually, I don't, I just didn't want to antagonize anyone further
by mentioning that. Al-you-minium. Sure beats ally. What is up
with that.