Good stock pots for boiling water on ceramic top range
> The stock pots I use at home are commercial-weight aluminum. I have
> one largish pot (16 quarts) that's an old cheapie stainless pot I use
> for cooking corn and the odd lobster. The reason I keep it around for
> those rare moments is because it's what my mother used and it has
> sentimental value - all the way from the 50's. My kids call it
> "grandma's corn pot."
I know what you mean... I have an 8 quart Regal Dutch oven which I use
about once a year and am planning to replace it. However, I had to make
sure it would go to a good home as it was a gift for my late mother who
wanted it very much and we bought it for her.
My son wants it both for cooking and especially sentimental value.
Chris in Pearland, TX