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Dave Bugg Dave Bugg is offline
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Default teachers & the schools - The real logic

Julia Altshuler wrote:

> Whether it is a power ploy or not, it IS unprofessional. I hope there
> was nothing in my post to suggest that I approve of the behavior,
> whatever the excuse.

No, not at all. There certainly is enough evidence, based on my observation
and dealings with teachers, that they do employ passive-aggression towards
parents in a number of different ways. I just don't know if poor grammer,
syntax and spelling is one of 'em. Look at the total numbers of teachers, in
states which require mandatory teacher testing for licensing, who fail these
basic tests of math and writing requiring repeated testings in order to
pass. I just think it is poor education.

On another note, I am curious as to how many others notice this: if there is
a three day holiday on a Monday, schools will only be open for half-days the
Friday before. And that during each week prior to Thanksgiving, Christmas,
and Easter vacations, teachers do everything *but* teach. Games are played,
crafts are made, movies are watched, and in-class reading is done, but no
teaching and no homework.
