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PeterL PeterL is offline
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Default teachers & the schools - The real logic

sf wrote in :

> On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 15:42:13 -0800, "Dave Bugg" >
> wrote:
>> Look at the total numbers of teachers, in
>>states which require mandatory teacher testing for licensing, who fail
>>these basic tests of math and writing requiring repeated testings in
>>order to pass. I just think it is poor education.

> Did you say what I think you said... Teachers who failed those tests
> are now employed as teachers OR were you trying to say that the
> testing filters out those who failed?
> If you're actually saying that people have to take a test more than
> once to pass are not qualified..... OK. Think about anything else -
> like the driver's exam. You fail, you study... hopefully you pass the
> next time. Does the fact that you passed on the second try make you
> less qualified to drive a car? Look at all the lawyers who didn't
> pass their law exam the first time.... would you say they shouldn't be
> practicing law now?


Was this posted in the group you intended to post in?

k12 "dot" chat "dot" teacher would be a more appropriate forum for
this discussion.


Oh, the irony!!

Peter Lucas

'Enjoy today, it was paid for by a veteran'