sf wrote:
> If you're actually saying that people have to take a test more than
> once to pass are not qualified..... OK. Think about anything else -
> like the driver's exam. You fail, you study... hopefully you pass the
> next time. Does the fact that you passed on the second try make you
> less qualified to drive a car? Look at all the lawyers who didn't
> pass their law exam the first time.... would you say they shouldn't be
> practicing law now?
What I'm saying is that a teacher who can't pass a BASIC math or writing
test is pathetic. These tests are nothing like a Bar exam; if they were,
then the teacher would be required to take a comprehensive state test on all
aspects of their major discipline. If that were ever to come to pass, I
wonder what percentage of teachers would NEVER be able to pass. I would bet
that a larger percentage of teacher candidates would fit in that 'never
pass' category than attorney wannabees sitting for the Bar.
I had to sit for the CBEST as part of the application for my Oregon teaching
credential, after being hired by an Oregon school district. I was told by
several teachers in the district that I'd be lucky to pass it in even two
tries. They were actually trying to lower my expectations of success to help
soften the blow of what they viewed as inevitable and impending failure. I
took the test on a Saturday, and handily passed each section with plenty of
room to spare. I walked out of the community college building where the test
was administered wondering what the big deal was. It was all basic knowledge
that should have been acquired in high school.
Monday morning rolled around, and first thing in the faculty lounge I was
asked when I would be taking the CBEST again. When I said that I didn't need
to re-test 'cause I had passed it just fine, thank you very much, you'd have
thunk I'd had an extra eye suddenly appear in the middle of my forehead from
the looks I got.