On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:19:13 -0500, in rec.food.cooking, Julia Altshuler
>Doug Weller wrote:
>> I'd forgotten Royal Castle. Thanks for the reminder. I wonder if we ever
>> went to that one. That's not far from the Miami and Coral Reef Yacht Clubs
>> I think.
>I just pulled up google maps. That Royal Castle would have to be the
>closest to the yacht clubs. If there were any closer, Dad would have
>taken my brother and me there instead. My clearest memory of the Royal
>Castle was that it was the restaurant where my father taught me to talk
>directly to the counter help and place my own order rather than his
>doing it for me. That puts me around age 6-9. (I was born in 1958.) I
>was a picky kid who wanted my hamburger with only the bun and the
>burger, no ketchup, mustard, or anything else. So that was where I
>learned to order the burger "plain." If I forgot, the burger came with
>diced onions on it.
Ah, you're a youngster. I was born in 42. I was like you but worse,
didn't eat the bun! Now I want a good bun, ketchup, mustard, onions,
Doug Weller --
A Director and Moderator of The Hall of Ma'at
Doug's Archaeology Site:
Amun - co-owner/co-moderator