First of all, whether spammer or not, I got a great deal. There are only 2
of us at home and the same for the gifts so we don't often use huge pots,
except for Chili and that doesn't require constant stirring.
Thanks be unto God for His wonderful gift:
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God
is the object of our faith; the only faith that
saves is faith in Him
"Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
> LIMEYNO1 wrote:
> > I checked this out and found it available at in Canada for $29
> > I can pick it up close by thereby saving shipping and handling and the
> > best... it would cost me $40.13 Canadian if I ordered from the home
> > I lliked it so much I bought 2 extra for gifts.
> >
> I'm still trying to understand why I'd buy something from 1) an
> obvious SPAMMER and 2) that could only work on an 8 1/2" diameter pot.
> If I were so inclined, I'd want it on my chili pot which is... um...
> somewhat larger than that. ;-)
> --
> Steve