"Dirk" > wrote
> Hi folk,
> I have been using a Pur dispenser for a while - but now since I broke
> it have decided that rather invest in a new one, it was time to
> install a "real" carbon based faucet filter.
> I am not interested in the ones that mount on the faucet and are in
> the way - and likely will constantly get things splashed up on them.
> I want a high quality carbon based filter (under-sink) that will
> remove traditional contaminants (chlorine and lead), but also the more
> uncomon ones that while they may not be detectable today... They
> could still be in the water. (Mercury, Aresenic, MTBE, etc...)
> Before anyone asks - I have reviewed my city water report. While
> those ND contaminants are not reported - it still concerns me that
> they are there at very low levels, or can be leached from pipes
> (mercury perhaps?) or might slowly creep up to detectable levels over
> the next few years.
> I am concerned that moving from a Pur dispenser - which does filter
> out arsenic (most likely due to long contact time with the water) to a
> higher water pressure carbon based system, which would let those
> contaminants pass through easily. (I do not want to go RO because it
> does remove some important things - Magnesium and Calcium, as well as
> Fluoride... But let's not even start a fluoridation debate
> Multi-Pure filters claim to filter out contaminants that no other
> filter seems to. And NSF.org seems to back them up.
> I do not mind spending a little more money on a Multi-Pure product
> over a competitor like Omni or Aqua Pure.... If I was 100% certain
> that it was a real quality product. The fact they are an MLM concerns
> me greatly.
> Can I get some unbiased comments?
> Thanks,
> Dirk
If you are looking at only certified filters, you won't find many, nor
the vast majority of filters that are sold everyday by the water quality
improvement industry (us water treatment guys). In essence the certified
part is very expensive marketing designed to attract those that look for
such things. That goes for all water treatment equipment. You don't see
any commercial equipment that is certified, do you? BTW, that market is
probably 100 to 1000 times larger than the residential market and I do
not know of any certifification body for 'it'.
Anyway, if I take what you are looking for literally, one piece of
equipment to accomplish your wish list doesn't exist. Sorry, but RO and
distillation (with carbon) are your only choices for the parameters you
list; but there go the minerals and fluoride. And you should really read
up on current data concerning fluoridation; it isn't pretty what that
stuff does to the human body and more and more (western civilization
type) nations are getting rid of it, except the US of A. Here we won't
even discuss it except on a very local basis if at all.
I suggest you look into bottled water or an undercounter dual stage
filter with its own faucet on the sink with a sediment prefilter and
high quality carbon block and accept the improvement it makes in your
already more than adequate water quality knowing that disinfection
byproducts are being removed. Lead will not be in your water naturally
(or the solder in your copper plumbing if the house was built after say
1988), mercury is not possible to be in your water or plumbing and IIRC
fluoride will go through the filter. If you want a quote email works.
Quality Water Associates