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Gareth Gareth is offline
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Posts: 11
Default Welcome to Viva! Eating meat causes environmental destruction, damages human health, contributes to global hunger and inflicts immense suffering on billions of animals across the world.

Welcome to Viva! Sunday, Feb 4th

Eating meat causes environmental destruction, damages human health,
contributes to global hunger and inflicts immense suffering on
billions of animals across the world. Viva! believes that the solution
to all these problems is in our own hands: the best way to stop the
destruction and the cruelty is to stop eating animals now. Through
popular campaigns, solid research, undercover exposés and effective
media skills we have brought the reality of modern farming into
people's living rooms. We have enlightened millions, shocked most and
changed the diets of many. You can help with these successes.

Dogs Go for the Gold!
New and luscious treats for your canine mate are here. You’ve never
seen anything like the Dogs Gold Apple Muffins! See the range here.

You Did It For Ducks Again!
On November 11 2006, hundreds of Viva! supporters once again braved
the elements to bring the story of Jake – the little duckling jailbird
– to Britain’s consumers. The message was clear: set Britain’s
favourite bird free by going veggie! Click here
to find out more about the day and to see how it has already been the
catalyst for real welfare improvements.

How Many Animals Could You Save By Going Veggie?
Find out with Viva!’s state-of-the-art animation at our new website, Designed especially for meat-eaters and the
veggie curious (those that can make the biggest difference to the
suffering of animals simply by not eating them), our new website is
the perfect introduction to four big reasons to give up meat: saving
around 4,022 animals; improving your health; doing your bit to end
environmental destruction; and helping people in the developing world
to help themselves.

From the website you can invite those stick-in-the-mud carnivores you
know to find out exactly what a difference to ending the suffering of
animals and improving the world around them just with their knife and

The Gift of Life!
Adopt a rescued farm animal with Viva!, the Vegetarian & Vegan
Foundation and Farm Animal Sanctuary! Go to:

Viva! Investigation Exposes Horrific Conditions on British Pig Farms
British consumers have been deceived - by both the pig industry and
the Government - into believing that pigs on UK farms enjoy a standard
of living unparalleled anywhere else in the world - and we have
disturbing undercover footage to prove the point

A Matter of Life and Death
Intergalactic guide to how farmed animals are treated in the UK; plus
info on how you can save lives. Read it here.
Or buy it here.