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Gareth Gareth is offline
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Posts: 11
Default The Hunt Saboteurs Association - The only organisation that works directly in the field to protect wildlife from the huntsmen

On Sun, 04 Feb 2007 09:48:07 +0000, Gareth > wrote:

>The Hunt Saboteurs Association
>The only organisation that works directly in the field to protect
>wildlife from the huntsmen
>Postcards, Petitions and calling on the police to uphold the law
>aren't things you would normally associate with the HSA but we'll give
>anything a go at the moment...
>But why leave it to others to do something?
>Contact your local group, read up on successful tactics we have used
>or just get out with a camera and see what you can do!
>Join us and stop the killing NOW!
>BM HSA, London, UK. WC1N 3XX
>Telephone (+44) 0845 4500727.

>Press Officer: 07904 387559

This Government thinks the 2005 Hunting Ban is 'Satisfactory'
Don't Turn YOUR Back on our Wildlife ...
Join the Hunt Saboteurs Association
Hunting with hounds was supposed to have been banned in England &
Wales in February 2005, and in Scotland, several years earlier.
However, now the fuss and media attention has died down, most hunts
are carrying on as they did before. The police have never known much
about hunting other than how to try to protect it, so we never had
much faith in them 'changing sides.

Hunts around the country are arrogantly continuing their slaughter in
the name of sport, in the hope or knowledge that the people in power
don't really care. One of our greatest weapons is now the video camera
- enough instances of hunts breaking the law caught on camera and
hopefully not even the blinkered politicians will be able to ignore
it. MiniDV camcorders cost as little as £250 and can be adapted to
take a covert pinhole camera so no-one at the hunt need even know you
are filming.

Hunt saboteurs, after holding back to see if the law would work will
now seek to take action where it counts - in the killing fields. We
are experienced in using non-violent direct action tactics to save the
lives of thousands of hunted animals every season. From using hunting
horns and voice calls to run off with the hounds at foxhunts, to
standing in front of the shooting butts on the grouse moors, to wading
through the rivers at minkhunts, wherever animals are being hunted for
fun, hunt saboteurs will be there, protecting our wildlife from the
"sportsmen" who get their kicks from killing.

The overwhelming majority of the British public recognise bloodsports
are cruel and abhorrent and over 80% wanted an immediate ban on
bloodsports. They have been duped by the hunters and let down by this
government. That's why the animals need people like you - people who
care enough to do something positive to save them.

There are local hunt saboteur groups all over the UK, all of which are
active at least once a week against the hunts and shoots in their
area. Groups need volunteers to work either as activists in the field,
saving the hunted animals' lives directly, or to do the vital
background work of fundraising, leafleting, etc. without which no
group can function. There will be a hunt saboteur group near you and
whatever your age, skills or experience, you will be able to make a
crucial contribution to saving animals' lives.

This weekend, there will be someone trying to torture and kill
innocent wild animals for sport within a few miles of where you live.
We're going to be there to stop them...Will you?


HSA membership request
We do not provide secure credit card transactions via this site, so
the best method of joining the HSA is to either email your details
(including name, postal address and subscription rate) to us and we
will forward you membership details, or to print out the form and post
a cheque (payable to Hunt Saboteurs Association) to:

BM HSA, London, UK. WC1N 3XX

Yearly subscription rates a £10 Waged £7.50 Unwaged.

Contact Details
e-mail address:
real address:
phone number (including area and country code):
