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The Galloping Gourmand The Galloping Gourmand is offline
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Posts: 247
Default New recipe for pork

On Feb 3, 8:41?pm, "Wayne Lundberg" >

> Seems like deep frying 'frito' 'enfrijoladas' 'frituras' has been around
> since before the conquest as sacrificial victims were killed, hearts removed
> to be eaten by the priests, the rest to be distributed by those waiting for
> the pieces to roll down the pyrmaids and cooked in one form of mole or
> other. This is not me speaking, it is history as described by many Spanish
> 'scholars' on the scene and some surviving glyphs and native historians.

You certainly seem to be fascinated with the subject, however...
> The 'frituras en salsa roja' seems to be a variation on the theme. Another
> favorite of ours is 'rajas con hongos' which are strips of chile poblano
> cooked with pork chunks that were deep fried until almost glazed and then
> softened by slow-cooking. I think this is what had to be done to human
> sacrificial victims who were mostly captured soldiers of vanquished armies
> by the Aztecs. Makes sense when you put it all together. Especially when the
> note to add papaya milk when the meat appears to be too tough to tenderize
> in the chile pod mix.

(Hay) tres t?cnicas b?sicas para cocinar un alimento, a saber:

Asado: es decir aplicarle directamente calor al alimento.

Cocci?n: es decir sumergirlo en un l?quido caliente, cuando el l?quido
es agua se habla de "hervido" y cuando es aceite se habla de

Putrefacci?n: aunque sorprenda es otra forma de hacer que la carne
resulte m?s f?cil de digerir, y en muchas recetas de "caza" se empieza
por dejar la pieza cazada unos d?as hasta que se pudra un poco.

Otras preparaciones: Otra forma de preparar alimentos consiste en
sumergirlos en un medio que haga que cambien sus propiedades, de
manera que no se estropeen, pueden ser medios ?cidos (lim?n o vinagre)
o en sal.

As? se preparan los boquerones en vinagre, el cebiche, las anchoas en
salaz?n, los pepinillos en vinagre, etc.

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