" BOB" > wrote in message
.. .
> "Big Jim" wrote
>> "Chef Juke" wrote...
>> > Sounds like a lot of weather down your way...
>> >
>> > Just checking to see if you weathered the storms okay...
>> >
>> >
>> > -Chef Juke
>> >
>> >
>> > -Chef Juke
>> > "EVERYbody Eats When They Come To MY House!"
>> -- Yep, all the worst weather was south of me.
>> I got over 5" of rain from about dark till about 3 AM. Rain gauge ran
>> over, was empty when the rain started.
>> Fats and Kili were closer to it than me. But missed them too.
>> Thanks for axing.
>> James A. "Big Jim" Whitten
>> www.lazyq.com
> Jim,
> Glad you dodged the bullet.
> I have friends near Ocala who say they heard a tornado (well, *she* heard
> it, *he* slept through)
> The cooks at the Florida BBQ Association's "Grillin' & Chillin' on Main"
> contest in Wauchula donated the BBQ that they had left, and I delivered 2
> large coolers of cooked BBQ and a smaller cooler with raw chicken to the
> Fire Department in Deland to feed victems and volunteers. There's a group
> trying to take their smokers to the different effected areas, but
> beaurocracy seems to be getting in the way.
Well if they can get an OK, I got a pit that can cook as much as 2 or 3 or
more regular pits I can haul down.
James A. "Big Jim" Whitten