"Farm1" <please@askifyouwannaknow> wrote in
> "Gareth" > wrote in message
>> PETA and PETA Europe are dedicated to establishing and protecting
> the
>> rights of all animals. Like us, animals are capable of suffering and
>> have interests in leading their own lives; therefore, they are not
>> ours to use - for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation or
>> for any other reason. PETA affiliates throughout the world educate
>> policymakers and the public about cruelty to animals and promote an
>> understanding of the right of all animals to be treated with
> respect.
> PETA are a bunch of ignorant animal haters. They know nothing about
> most of the animal for which they supposedly campaign (either their
> history in breeding and husbandry). They operate by making a lot of
> noise to appeal to the emotions of other similarly ignorant people.
It is worth understanding just what these people actually
believe, which is best done by quoting them directly. See,
for example,