Dinner picture 2-5-07
"LadyJane" wrote:
> Sheldon, there's nothing wrong with charcoal and chips!
> Try hard to not be so judgmental.
I was being kind. Regardless what Modom serves his presentation hides
that it's food... there is no regard to color, texture, arrangement,
none of the items compliment each other, always shrouded in wretched
slime with disgusting unidentifiable bits spit about... always have to
stop and think... wtf is that s__t!
Properly prepared/presented food requires no description and no one
shoud ever have to ask what is that, should be immediately
recognizable, in fact its identity should be amplified by the
presentation, never camouflaged. All his presentations follow the
same theme, grotesquely nightmarish... other worldly alien. At least
his theme is consistant, emesis basinesque.