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Allyson Hale Allyson Hale is offline
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Default Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: Russian Roulette Night

In article >,
>Oooh, new ep! If only my sinuses weren't imploding... well, onward and
>SLop's theme this week is sppsd to be "casino night", but considering who is
>doing the cooking, Russian Roulette is more accurate.
>Apparently SLop finally got around to insulting pizza-lovers everywhere this
>week. She began by showing us a decoration she put in her faux kitchen
>window. Sorry, but that Christmas wreath with a bunch of crap you found in your
>gaming room, including a pair of fuzzy dice, looks almost as stupid as the
>Cocktail Xmas Tree. Almost.

I about died laughing at the Poker Wreath. And granted, I did a whole "gambling"
thing for our wedding reception since we got married in Vegas and I had little
playing cards sticking out of the rose vases... but it was not NEAR that tacky.
That was just so over the top... so SLop!

And I'm mad as hell that she had my "gourmet kitchen" red kitchen towels. Someone
steal them from the set, please?? I'll pay the ransom fee to save them.

Ah the waste.. a whole cup of dressing in the measuring cup... which she
Sssssspecificalllllly measures out... to use what, a couple tablespoons on the
crust and a quarter cup for the salad? Lovely.

I refuse to call that drink anything but a Cuckoo-jito. That looked disgusting.

I was really, really, really hoping to watch her strugled with that pizza dough but
thanks to the magic of television, MJ swipes in and fixes it. Damnit.

And I thought the usual "fruit pizza" was made with sugar cookie dough???? She
actually passed up using sugar cookie dough?????

And yeah... her hair did change from when she swooshed off-screen with the kuktails
to the crapscape. I'm guessing no one was there to hold her hair back from the
after-effects of slammin' both those Cuckoo-jitos.....