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Go Daddy Go Daddy is offline
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Default Chuckle of the Day (2-8-7)

On Feb 8, 5:00 am, Andy <q> wrote:
> And

The first one reminds me of Jim Carey in LIAR LIAR
In the movie, through a series of unfortunate events, Carey is
compelled to always tell the truth. In a scene, a beggar asks Carey if
he had any spare change, Carey replies, "sure I do, but I'm not giving
it to you, you're just gonna buy booze"

I also like the Seinfeld episode where Kramer takes to helping a
homeless man.
Every good deed Kramer does for this homeless guy just gets Kramer a
slap on the hand, like when Kramer walks by and drops money in the
homeless mans cup...
The homeless guy protests, "Hey! that's my coffee"

Or when jmcquown buys a HOBO A HAMBURGER the HOBO replies, "You forgot
the f'n fries"