Another Noob Question
John LaBella wrote:
> When you decide to blend wines (or at least the
> grapes that go to make up the wine). Do you
> blend the juice prior to fermentation or do you
> make each separate then blend? I know this is
> probably an obvious question.
> Second part how important is the strain of yeast
> in imparting flavour to the wine?
I hope I don't start a flame war over this issue.
I think that the opinions that yeast strains
impart flavour are over stated.
However, different strains do have their own
optimum temperature ranges and their own optimum
pH ranges and their own tolerance for alcohol.
If the yeasties are happy, they will bring out
the best from your fruit. This is the source of
your flavour - and of course the oak you use, if
you are using or aging in oak.
My advice would be that instead of looking at the
propaganda about such and such a yeast imparting
blackberry - blah blah blah and another yeast
imparting cherries - blah blah blah, just decide
before hand your fermentation temperature and pH
and desired alcohol content and choose your yeast
> I currently have used a kit to make wine(s) and
> have used whatever is supplied in the kit. I
> have started down the slippery road to looking
> at various wine suppliers catalogues. (hence the
> second question).
> I hope to experiment with the Charmat process (I
> have acquired a Cornelius keg and CO2 equipment)
> and am looking for a suitable base wine to try.
> - I have read enough (to be dangerous) and know
> how Champagne is a blend of three grapes- So I
> am contimplating what combination to use and of
> course what I can lay my hands on.
> Any Guidance?
> Thank you for your indulgence.