Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: Russian Roulette Night
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Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: Russian Roulette Night
Anim8rFSK wrote:
> In article >,
> "Allyson Hale" > wrote:
>> In article >,
>>> Oooh, new ep! If only my sinuses weren't imploding... well, onward
>>> and downward...
>>> SLop's theme this week is sppsd to be "casino night", but
>>> considering who is doing the cooking, Russian Roulette is more
>>> accurate.
>>> Apparently SLop finally got around to insulting pizza-lovers
>>> everywhere this week. She began by showing us a decoration she put
>>> in her faux kitchen window. Sorry, but that Christmas wreath with a
>>> bunch of crap you found in your gaming room, including a pair of
>>> fuzzy dice, looks almost as stupid as the Cocktail Xmas Tree.
>>> Almost.
>> I about died laughing at the Poker Wreath. And granted, I did a
>> whole "gambling" thing for our wedding reception since we got
>> married in Vegas and I had little playing cards sticking out of the
>> rose vases... but it was not NEAR that tacky. That was just so over
>> the top... so SLop!
>> And I'm mad as hell that she had my "gourmet kitchen" red kitchen
>> towels. Someone
>> steal them from the set, please?? I'll pay the ransom fee to save
>> them.
> You think she has a warehouse full of this stuff, or there's a
> garbage dumpster full at the end of each show, or what?
Since she no longer has a rich husband maybe she returns them.
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