Anna Nicole Smith dies
notbob" > wrote in message
. ..
> On 2007-02-08, elaine > wrote:
>> Partially to blame, I think.
> Nonsense. I think it quite sad ANS came to such a tragic end, but
> people's perceptions of her had nothing to do with it. She was a
> troubled soul long before she became a celebrity figure. No one made
> her a public spectacle but herself. No one forced her to do the
> TrimSpa thing. She certainly didn't need the money. You don't
> frequent celebrity bashes and hang out at the Hollywood Cafe if you
> want to be left alone. She was in the public eye because she chose
> to.
> Besides, if you feel you've been cheated out of your favorite
> celebrity grotesque, you still have Courtney Love.
The operative word being 'partially'
And on whatever level this story made me sad.