Anna Nicole Smith dies
Puester wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> > Margaret Suran wrote:
> >> Dora, Neither Marcel nor I ever heard of her. Should we have
> >> recognized her name? On CNN, there is such fuss made over her
> >> untimely death. I am sorry that someone so young, with a new baby
> >> died, but I still have no idea who she is. RIP
> >
> >
> > You must live in a vacuum. She
> > was stunningly beautiful
> Are we thinking of the same Anna Nicole? She certainly had a body that
> wouldn't quit, but stunningly beautiful? Nah.
Oh yes. Stunning. Unfortunately, she put on a LOT of weight before her
"reality" show and looks like a bloated cow, but when she was young and
pretty.... yes... stunning.