Amana refrig.
We took delivery of an Amana bottom freezer 21 cu ft (or is it 22?)
refrigerator last January and the performance has been perfect.
Only criticism might be that the icecube maker (optional extra) is pretty
noisy when it refills.
"Harvey R. Stone" > wrote in message
> Has anyone had a problem with an Amana bottom freezer refrig,? We bought
> a week ago and it cooled for an hour or so and quit. Maytag has bought
> Amana and so the Maytag man came and said they forgot to put freon in at
> factory. OK, all is well. Now 2 days later it has quit again. We have
> lots of refrigerators over the years but never one like this. Has anyone
> else had a problem with this co.?
> Phyl