Quick Method to Defrost Frozen Foods
Gerry Atrick wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Feb 2007 21:09:31 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
> wrote:
>> In article >,
>> Gerry Atrick > wrote:
>>> I'm a bachelor and unlike most women, I am not very organized with
>>> cooking. When I finish my days work I want something to eat and want
>>> it fast. That usually means some tv dinners or a frozen pizza or lots
>>> of instant mashed potatoes in the microwave coated with ketchup.
>>> But there are times I really want something more. I am not a good
>>> cook, but I can make a hamburger or something like that. The problem
>>> is that I live in a rural area and the stores are not open late. I
>>> have to get my food in advance. If I buy some ground beef or
>>> something like that, it ends up sitting in the fridge. Some days I
>>> work late, other days I am too tired to cook when I get home, often I
>>> will stop at a fast food place on my way home from work, or get
>>> invited to a friends house to eat. The next thing I have forgotten
>>> about tis ground beef and it's gone bad in the fridge.
>>> After far too many instances like that, I now toss all meats in the
>>> freezer. But that seems to be where they permanently "live". I know
>>> it takes a full day to thaw out something like that, and then I am
>>> often back to the same issues. I take it out of the freezer, forget
>>> about it, and once again I have bad meat.
>>> Is there any way to defrost frozen meat quickly. Can I do it in the
>>> microwave, the oven, or anywhere else? I want it to defrost in under
>>> an hour if there is a way. Can anyone please help....
>> Just repackage meats in small containers and use the defrost feature on
>> your microwave oven. Using a microwave oven to defrost one or two
>> servings of ground meat or steak, etc. should only take a few minutes.
> OK, I read the whole thread on here and have a much better idea what
> to do. But I am still stuck with about 30 THREE POUND round plastic
> wrapped containers of venison. A friend of mine is a hunter. He
> takes his deers to a place and has it ground and packaged this way. I
> buy some from him because he does not need it all. He sells it to pay
> for his hunting license and supplies. When I get it, it's frozen.
> Those containers are plastic wrapped about the size of a salami, ....
> 2 1/2 inches thick, 10 inches long. That's more meat than I want fro
> one meal. How do I unthaw them and not waste half or more of it?
> Thanks
> Gerry
With a saw. Large packages of frozen vegetables can be hacked apart
with a meat cleaver.
Or, partially thaw and then cut the roll in half with a big knife. Cook
the one half (partially frozen is fine) and refrigerate the extra piece
for tomorrow.