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Ken[_1_] Ken[_1_] is offline
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Default Sticker shock .... vegetables

On Feb 9, 2:50 pm, "James Silverton"
<> wrote:
> Hello, Dave!
> You wrote on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 16:59:59 -0500:
> DS> Goomba38 wrote:
> ??>>
> ??>> Dave Smith wrote:
> ??>>> Holy cow. I was out shopping today and was astounded at
> ??>>> the prices of some of the vegetables. The cold weather
> ??>>> in parts of the US is being blamed for shortages.
> ??>>
> ??>> Yeah, I saw it last week. A head of cauliflower for $2.79
> ??>>
> The vegetable crops in the Central Valley of California were
> devastated by the cold weather as were the orange groves but
> some prices have not gone up. I was surprised to see that
> grapefruit were just about the same price as weeks ago and
> canteloupes are quite reasonable.
> James Silverton
> Potomac, Maryland
> E-mail, with obvious alterations:


I live in the foothills above the Central Valley, and I happened to go
to a farmers' market yesterday. They said give it a week or two tops
and things should be pretty much back to normal for row crops. The
citrus is of course wiped out for the season. And the stone fruit and
nuts are still dormant, but the buds could have been damaged. Only
time will tell, but they think things should be okay for stone fruit
and nuts.

By the way, I noticed the prices at the farmers' market didn't go up
like at the supermarket.
