Easy home-made pizza (with picture). Eat your heart out.
<Alan> wrote:
> Have a pizza stone in your oven.
> Turn the oven on high before you start assembling the crust
> and the ingredients, so that stone is HOT before you put the
> pizza on it.
You can fill your oven full of stones and rocks and it still won't be
anywhere near 485°C (905°F) required to make traditional pizza.
And I will bet anything that, if you lack years of practice with a real
pizzaiolo, you won't be able to make anything even resembling
traditional pizza crust which is always stretched by hand (no rolling
pin is ever used) and which should be no thicker than 0.3 cm (0.12 in)
in the centre and 1-2 cm (0.4-0.8 in) at the edges, with the pizza never
exceeding 35 cm (14 in) in diameter. The baking time should not exceed
90 seconds. The baked pizza should still remains so elastic that it can
be rolled into a tube.
You can read all about it and more in Gazetta Ufficiale of 24th May,
Easy, indeed!