Easy home-made pizza (with picture). Eat your heart out.
-- in a non-snobby way.
> You do not have to get defensive if you do not know the differences
> between diffrently prepared foods or are unable to appreciate them. To
> anyone who had pizza made by a master pizzaiolo in a good Italian,
> especially Neapolitan, pizzeria, the differences to anything else is
> immediately apparent. It is akin to comparing foie gras to chopped
> liver. Pizza is not, nor has it ever been, a home-made dish. Anything
> made at home in the way of pizza is but a pale imitation, however tasty
> in itself. In Italy, pasta has always been associated with home and
> family; pizza, on the other hand, has always been associated with a
> mistress or a lover, something to go out to eat, in more way than one.
> Pizza is a very traditional dish, taken very seriously in Italy, and
> making it in a non-traditional way renders it not a pizza. Here is how
> traditional pizza is supposed to be made - it is all but impossible to
> reproduce this at home, lacking a commercial-grade wood-fired oven.
> <http://www.pizzanapoletana.org/images/file/disciplinare_stg_eng.pdf>.
> Victor
What would you then call a "DiGorno" frozen pizza or maybe a "red baron"
frozen pizza?