In Alan Moorman > wrote:
> Sorry, Larry, but anyone who posts in a public forum needs
> to go to some pains to explain their scientific language in
> terms more of us can understand.
> I'm smart, educated, and have a large vocabulary, but
> several paragraphs of dense scientific terminology doesn't
> help me, or any other posters, understand what is being
> talked about.
*Any* other posters?
I assume firstly that at least a large minority of the population has
an educational background in the sciences rather than the arts, and
secondly that most of those reading asd have the largest and most
easily accessible encyclopedia yet invented just a mouse click
away. It wouldn't surprise me that more than half of asd wouldn't
understand paragraphs of dense scientific terminology, but you seem to
be claiming not only that almost everyone would fail to understand it
at first reading, but that they would all be so comprehensively
baffled that looking up the words they didn't know wouldn't help in
the slightest.
In fact, given that in asd we're all struggling with diabetes, I would
have expected that some of those with no scientific background
whatsoever would be motivated enough to learn something of the biology
and medicine relevant to diabetes.
> Otherwise, why post something that is, basically,
> meaningless?????
I think you're confusing your being baffled with meaninglessness in
Chris Malcolm
DoD #205
IPAB, Informatics, JCMB, King's Buildings, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, UK