I'm uninspired
I feel as if I've made everything I like a couple of times in
the last couple of months. I guess maybe I'm getting tired of
winter cooking, ready for summer cooking.
However, suffering from premature spring fever doesn't change
the fact that it's going to snow tonight so I'd better get food in
the house for two dinners.
I think I can bring myself to make a chicken for dinner. Get
some cold cuts for sandwiches. Oh, I know, I'll make pot
roast tomorrow. That will be nice cooking away tomorrow.
Not that I haven't had a ton of pot roast this winter. Heh.
Which reminds me, has anyone else noticed this? I really don't
use that many carrots, so when I make pot roast, I like to buy a
one pound bag. Well, the pound size bag has the world's thinnest
carrots. If I want the thick ones, the kind I like for pot roast or
stew, I have to buy the gigunda bag, a lifetime supply.