I'm uninspired
Nancy Young > wrote:
: Which reminds me, has anyone else noticed this? I really don't
: use that many carrots, so when I make pot roast, I like to buy a
: one pound bag. Well, the pound size bag has the world's thinnest
: carrots. If I want the thick ones, the kind I like for pot roast or
: stew, I have to buy the gigunda bag, a lifetime supply.
My markets have good-sized unbagged carrots. I usually buy
only three or four at once since I don't use many carrots.
I am reminded that I recently visited my kids in California
and found that their local supermarket carried only the enormous
varieties of onion: I'd need to make three meals to use up one
of them...and the [non-organic, not even 'cage free'] jumbo
eggs that I buy for $1.19 a dozen were selling for $3.99.
: nancy