Thread: I'm uninspired
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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default I'm uninspired

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 15:21:52 GMT, "Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan"
> wrote:

>I've been in a cooking funk lately also. Sooooo... tonight I'm making some
>Jambalaya and I'll serve it with a nice salad. It's snowing here and we're
>about to get some really cold temps tomorrow. My first thought for dinner
>was beef stew but I've made it several times and it doesn't sound good.
>I'm prepared for the inevitable power outage. Gots some polish sausages
>and other stuff ready to cook in the fireplace... just in case. The
>fireplace is full of wood and kindling, ready to light. I've got some
>chicken breasts and ground chuck thawing in the fridge. If we don't loose
>power I'll have lots of thawed meat to work with for lunch and dinner.

Seems like a lot of us are in a cooking funk. I do have a well
stocked freezer and pantry, and I can think of a dozen or more things
to cook with what I have. But interest, nah. Nothing really seems
to interest me right now.

I am tempted to what some folks did on eGullet. They called it
cookbook roulette, which which you close your eyes and pull out a
cookbook and cook something from it. Preferably a cookbook you have
left pretty much untouched, as in maybe reading the book, but actually
cooking nothing from it.

I have lots of those types of cookbooks. I could probably go to an
area of my bookshelves and pull out one that I haven't even looked at
in years.

Maybe this would jolt me awake and revive my interest in
cooking/eating, etc.

Anyone want to play along with this idea?
If not, then I may take a page from you, Michael, and make something
Cajun such as a good gumbo. Looks like we are expecting more snow
here and might be a good time to fix something different.
