I'm uninspired
"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
. ..
>I feel as if I've made everything I like a couple of times in
> the last couple of months. I guess maybe I'm getting tired of
> winter cooking, ready for summer cooking.
> However, suffering from premature spring fever doesn't change
> the fact that it's going to snow tonight so I'd better get food in
> the house for two dinners.
> I think I can bring myself to make a chicken for dinner. Get
> some cold cuts for sandwiches. Oh, I know, I'll make pot
> roast tomorrow. That will be nice cooking away tomorrow.
> Not that I haven't had a ton of pot roast this winter. Heh.
> Which reminds me, has anyone else noticed this? I really don't
> use that many carrots, so when I make pot roast, I like to buy a
> one pound bag. Well, the pound size bag has the world's thinnest
> carrots. If I want the thick ones, the kind I like for pot roast or
> stew, I have to buy the gigunda bag, a lifetime supply.
> nancy
Because we're supposed to get some nasty weather tonight, I went out last
night with thoughts of 4 menus, and they went right out the window when I
got to the store. So, I decided to work backwards, beginning with the side
dishes. I bought kasha. I have frozen boneless tetas de pollo, pork chops,
catfish, salmon, and ground turkey. We'll see where this leads.