I'm uninspired
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:34:44 -0700, Christine Dabney
> wrote:
>On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 15:21:52 GMT, "Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan"
> wrote:
>>I've been in a cooking funk lately also. Sooooo... tonight I'm making some
>>Jambalaya and I'll serve it with a nice salad. It's snowing here and we're
>>about to get some really cold temps tomorrow. My first thought for dinner
>>was beef stew but I've made it several times and it doesn't sound good.
>>I'm prepared for the inevitable power outage. Gots some polish sausages
>>and other stuff ready to cook in the fireplace... just in case. The
>>fireplace is full of wood and kindling, ready to light. I've got some
>>chicken breasts and ground chuck thawing in the fridge. If we don't loose
>>power I'll have lots of thawed meat to work with for lunch and dinner.
>Seems like a lot of us are in a cooking funk. I do have a well
>stocked freezer and pantry, and I can think of a dozen or more things
>to cook with what I have. But interest, nah. Nothing really seems
>to interest me right now.
>I am tempted to what some folks did on eGullet. They called it
>cookbook roulette, which which you close your eyes and pull out a
>cookbook and cook something from it. Preferably a cookbook you have
>left pretty much untouched, as in maybe reading the book, but actually
>cooking nothing from it.
>I have lots of those types of cookbooks. I could probably go to an
>area of my bookshelves and pull out one that I haven't even looked at
>in years.
>Maybe this would jolt me awake and revive my interest in
>cooking/eating, etc.
>Anyone want to play along with this idea?
>If not, then I may take a page from you, Michael, and make something
>Cajun such as a good gumbo. Looks like we are expecting more snow
>here and might be a good time to fix something different.
That sounds like a book I have, "First Slice Your Cookbook." The top
section is Soups, Hors d'oeuvre. The middle section is Main Dishes.
The bottom section is Sweets, Savouries. You can open each section
separately and come up with a menu. How about Lettuce and Tomato
Soup, Waterzoie, and Coeur a la Creme.
Susan N.
"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral,
48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)