Thread: I'm uninspired
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Janet B. Janet B. is offline
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Default I'm uninspired

"Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
> Seems like a lot of us are in a cooking funk. I do have a well
> stocked freezer and pantry, and I can think of a dozen or more things
> to cook with what I have. But interest, nah. Nothing really seems
> to interest me right now.

> Christine

I've been cooking small amounts for my husband. Nothing appeals to me. I
baked sandwich rolls the other day and sprouted some alfalfa seeds so I've
been having turkey, tomato and sprouts sandwiches. I'm going to cook a
chicken today. For him I'll do noodles, bell peppers, green onions and
chicken chunks sort of stir fried in a little butter 'til the noodles turn a
little crispy. For me, I'm having a Cobb salad. My tomato seeds are
started, I'm working at cleaning up the yard and I'm ready for Spring!!!