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Tara Tara is offline
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Default Rationing [Was: Anna Nicole Smith dies]

Grandma's Wartime Kitchen: World War II and the Way We Cooked by
Joanne Lamb Hayes is a very interesting and fun read about rationing
in the United States. For anyone who likes to read children's
literature, the Moffat family books by Eleanor Estes are just lovely
and they reference food rationing in the U.S. The family grew a
victory garden and mixed yellow food coloring into the margarine. The
victory garden chapter (I think it is in the Rufus M. book) is so


OT: I had the pleasure and privilege of hearing a storyteller tell
from memory the "library lady" chapter from Rufus M. She also taught
an easy story to retell and teach to elementary age children. I teach
it to my kids each year and I hope they teach it on from there.