Uses for Celery Seed
In article >,
Omelet > wrote:
> In article >,
> Tara > wrote:
> > Add it to chicken or tuna salad.
> >
> > Tara
> Seconded. :-)
I make two types of potato salad. One includes russets, mayo, yellow
mustard, pickles and hard boiled eggs. It's pretty standard around here.
The other I got from mom. It includes red potatoes, heavy cream, hard
boiled eggs separated into yolks and whites when hard boiled, scallions
or chives, mayo, Colman's dry mustard and celery seed. The trick with
this one is to mash the egg yolks as you would for deviled eggs and
combine with heavy cream, dry mustard and mayo for the base. Depending,
you might want some salt too. Celery seed is a must in the finished dish
in my family.