Roughrider50 > wrote:
> I was stationed in Berlin in the 60's & there was a gesthaus across the
> street from my compound that had the best pizza I have ever eaten........Add
> to that the best beer I've ever drank, & the bockwurst that's out of this
> world, not to mention Kartoffelsalat & Ochsenschwanzsuppe. Those little
> shish-ka-bob things make my mouth water just thinking about it. I won't even
> mention all the breads & rolls I consumed....mmmm. No Victor you aren't
> missing anything
I like that kind of food, too! As to beer, in Berlin you probably
missed the even better one than you liked - Düsseldorfer Altbier. :-)
BTW, I've just tried some Sauerteigbrot (sourdough bread) produced by
Brot & Butter, a food part of Manufactum, a small kitchen store chain
with a very "yuppy" image. In spite of the image, the bread is very
good indeed, of the heavy, dense, crusty type, made with a mix of rye
and wheat.
On the other hand, real pizza is hard to come by here. :-(