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Peter A Peter A is offline
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Default What can go wrong with this approach of using an electric meat grinder?

In article .com>,
> I may or many not have soaked it last time I don't remember. I didn't
> towel dry and left the parts on the top shelf inside the dishwasher
> and closed the door slightly ajar but my have closed it later
> forgetting to take those out. When i used it the next time, I saw
> white stuff coating the meat. I was grinding a lot of meat. The white
> stuff didn't stop though it got to be lighter. I threw all that meat
> out. Called the vendor and got manufacturer's phone number and got
> replacement. Learned that the parts other than blade, and die-cast are
> Aluminum coated with stainless teel. It was obvious anyway.

You do know never to wash anything aluminum in the dishwasher? It sounds
like you just set it there to dry, but I want to make sure! Dishwasher
detergent eats aluminum. The "white stuff" you mention sounds exactly
like what you would see if you did wash it in the DW. Hand dishwashing
soap is fine.

I will say that aluminum coating sounds odd. Aluminum is rust proof but
is rather soft.

Peter Aitken