What can go wrong with this approach of using an electric meat grinder?
On Feb 16, 7:19 am, Peter A > wrote:
> In article .com>,
> says...
> > I may or many not have soaked it last time I don't remember. I didn't
> > towel dry and left the parts on the top shelf inside the dishwasher
> > and closed the door slightly ajar but my have closed it later
> > forgetting to take those out. When i used it the next time, I saw
> > white stuff coating the meat. I was grinding a lot of meat. The white
> > stuff didn't stop though it got to be lighter. I threw all that meat
> > out. Called the vendor and got manufacturer's phone number and got
> > replacement. Learned that the parts other than blade, and die-cast are
> > Aluminum coated with stainless teel. It was obvious anyway.
> You do know never to wash anything aluminum in the dishwasher?
I am not sure I knew well about that before that event but I hardly
used dishwasher because it doesn't fill up quickly since I don't like
washing bulky things like pots, containers, mixing bowl, strainer in
the dishwasher which take so much space + I need to use them again.
> It sounds like you just set it there to dry, but I want to make sure!
I only let air dry.
I don't like to run the dishwaser for a few things and waste water and
> Dishwasher detergent eats aluminum.
> The "white stuff" you mention sounds exactly like what you would see if you did wash it in the DW.
That's very puzzling to me because I did NOT wash them in the
dishwasher but my kitchen area is cold that time of the year due to
the orientation of the house. Keeping the dishwsher door closed - it
was at night when I did that - may have made the air drying process
not feasible. It's cold at night and in the morning here in CA.
> Hand dishwashing soap is fine.
> I will say that aluminum coating sounds odd. Aluminum is rust proof but is rather
> soft.
No, aluminum with stainless steel coating. I know..I didn't write it
> --
> Peter Aitken