How do you get the most bang for your fruit & vege buck?
Now that it is just the wife and I at home, the kids have gotten hitched and
runned oft (heheh), we're finding out our typical quart canning jars are
just too big. How are the pints working out for you?
We're about out of green beans so we'll be plating them this season. I'd
love to get 42 pints out of a 24 foot row! What kind did you grow? I have
only been growing the blue lake bush variety.
"George Shirley" > wrote in message
> James wrote:
>> Produce is high these days. Cheapest for me for 5 daily store bought
>> fruit & vege servings a banana, cabbage, dry beans, carrot, squash.
>> Home grown is even more expensive because animals and birds eat my
>> fruits before they ripe. I do however get a few odd veges and a good
>> crop of tomatoes and garlic each year.
> Try using bird netting to cover your fruit trees, I use it with great
> success to keep the grackles and squirrels out of the several fruit trees
> I have. A good cat or small dog will keep them out of your garden area. My
> rat terrier does a fine job of running squirrels and birds out of the
> veggie garden, doesn't even try to kill them, just enjoys running them
> off.
> Biggest bang for your buck is growing your own. We canned 42 pints of
> green beans last year from a 24 foot row of Bush Blue Lake green beans.
> Plenty of broccoli, cauliflower, green peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes, and
> various greens too. More than enough to feed the wife and I plus extras
> for the dog, who enjoys veggies.
> George