How do you get the most bang for your fruit & vege buck?
Dave Bugg wrote:
> Christine Dabney wrote:
> > On 16 Feb 2007 18:41:33 -0800, "maxine in ri" >
> > wrote:
> >> On Feb 16, 8:41 pm, "Gregory Morrow" >
> >> wrote:
> >>> Oddest Asian shopping find of the day (did NOT buy): "Fruit -
> >>> flavoured beef jerky". WTF...???
> >> Sounds good, actually. Why not use fruit in the drying process
> >> instead of all
> >> salt and savory?
> > Yeah, wasn;t the old pemmican a mixture of fruit and stuff like
> > meat/jerky? I am not sure how edible it was, but it isn't a new idea.
> Traditional pemmican is made of dried pulverized meat (which is usually
> jerky), dried berries, and rendered fat.
>From what I saw in the Asian store it must be an old traditional
Taiwanese treat...