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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default Happy new years / Hot pot

Peter > wrote:

> Celebrating Chinese new years tomorrow with a day long hot pot (fondue)
> Lots of fish, pork and beef balls, thin beef slices, etc.

Sounds good. Perhaps also some (unpeeled) giant prawns and squid?

> Satay (sort of a
> fish bbq sauce)

Doesn't satay (or sate) usually mean a sauce with peanuts, or something
prepared with such a sauce?

> for a little extra flavour on the plate, bok choy for some
> greens, and more shitakes than we can eat.

Sounds good.

> Undecided on the broth though. I'm thinking beef broth, soy sauce, garlic,
> ginger, and some chilies, maybe a touch of sesame oil. Anything else you
> would add to that?

Lots of Sichuan peppercorns and a lot of chile oil, in addition to, or
replacing those chile peppers. Perhaps also some garlic and some spring
onions. You would get something a bit resembling "ma la huo guo",
usually translated as Sichuan hotpot, with "ma" meaning "tongue-numbing"
and referring to Sichuan peppercorns (huajiao), "la" meaning "spicy-hot"
from chile peppers, and "hou guo" meaning "hotpot". Ah!
