Kitchen towels with rack connection?
> > To my horror, I saw a family member knock a kitchen towel off the rack
> > onto the floor, then pick it back up and place it on the rack.
> >
> > So now I'm looking for a kitchen towel line that has some kind of tie
> > or other connector (velcro, maybe) to keep it from falling off the
> > rack in the first place.
If you just want a towel for drying your hands, then you can buy towels
with a button loop that hook around drawer handles. These are often
found at craft stores (the top section is usually crocheted).
These are usually too small to use for anything but hand wiping, but
they're handy for that purpose. I keep one hanging on a drawer near the
sink just to wipe my hands after washing them - it's out of the way and
doesn't get mislaid.
I wouldn't get too worked up about a dropped towel, though - if you have
dirty pets maybe it's an issue, but how many germs would you really get
from a momentary drop onto the floor?