wine. Why the mystique?
"J. Davidson" > wrote in message
> Two questions:
> Why must one learn to like something that tastes awful? (wine)
> And why the mystique, when wine is merely another liquid such as pepsi,
> coffee, etc. Is it sort of like DeBeers and diamonds?
> J. Davidson (who got left out of the veneration of wine group.)
Don't like it, don't drink it.
Wine is so incredibly variable, so many types, styles, grapes, blends,
vintages etc. Some is crap, some is divine. What makes a wine good is
whether or not you like it. If you can't tell a 5 dollar wine from a 100
dollar wine, then you don't have a palette for wine so drink something else.
If a particular wine does not seem to make the meal taste any better, then
that's another reason to not drink wine. Have a nice glass of Pelligrino
There is no mystique. There are plenty of dilettantes who would make it a
mystique. But who cares?