wine. Why the mystique?
cybercat wrote:
> I can see this. I know people who *still* only eat the things they ate
> growing
> up. Very strange.
> I saw part of becoming an adult as branching out, experimenting, with a
> lot of things, including food and drink. Hadn't thought about parallels
> between limited tastes in food and drink, and limited experience. It
> makes sense.
Quite some time ago, I posted about traveling in Paris with a couple who
were so picky about food that they actually sought out American fast
food. They couldn't or wouldn't try anything new. Jack summed up the
whole experience with: "people who don't like food don't enjoy sex." I
have no way to test that theory one way or another, but I believe he hit
the nail on the head anyway. I was a picky kid, and, like you, started
branching out as I hit adulthood. I grew out of the pickiness about
food slowly over the years 18-21. About the same time, I started not
being so scared about meeting new people, liking new music and
entertainment, traveling, branching out, etc. I think the parallels
between liking food and liking other experiences are huge.