Thread: Baked Beans
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W. Baker W. Baker is offline
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Posts: 1,390
Default Glucotoxicity

In Alan Moorman > wrote:
: >So we should dumb down to the lowest denominator? We could t
: >alk in a way that my dughter, who has Down syndrome and has
: >an IQ of less than 50 might understand. Would that be better
: >for you? If you want stuff dumbed down how will you ever
: >learn anything? You will stay at the same level of
: >understanding and then whine about it.

: Oh, for Christ's sake!

: No.

: Talk so a person with an IQ of about 100, who isn't a
: scientist, can understand how the otherwise incomprehensible
: blather relates to their daily struggle to maintain their
: health with diabetes.

: What the heck is so off-putting about that concept?

: Really, what's wrong with that?????????

: I can't see ANY reason for you all to object to my
: criticism, unless you WANT to be all elite and snobby.

: Too bad for you guys, it limits you soooo much.

: Alan

If you actually had a group aimed at the 100IQ we could not have all the
non-scientific posts we have here. It is remarkable how limited it would
be. As it is, we have posts suitable for all kinds of people so each can
find what s/he needs and just can skip what they don't want to plow
through or is too repetitious for them. using the lowest cmmon
denominator would bore most people here to death very soon and would not
give us all kinds of new information that many of us can only get part of,
but would otherwise miss entirely.

Oversiplification is one of the problems with much of the material we get
as diabetics in all those leaflets and booklets at the doctor's office.
We want more, so we come here and often struggle to understand, but our
intellegence is not insulted as it would be with dumbed down material.
