Baked Beans
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Posts: 8
"Alan Moorman" > wrote in message
: On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 09:28:51 +0000,
lid (Phil Aypee) wrote:
: >Hi Alan,
: >
: >I'm genuinely sorry you feel this way but we all have areas of learning
others don't understand and an NG forum is as appropriate a place to air
them as any.
: >For those who don't understand something (or even just don't want to read
it), they are free to skip it.
: >
: >If we *want* to understand but don't then we should ask, ask and ask
again - that's an effective way of learning.
: >
: >But it achieves nothing to criticise posters whose posts we don't
properly understand.
: >It even achieves nothing to criticise those who appear to deliberately
obfuscate matters to prevent non-geeks understanding (which criticism
*doesn't apply here*).
: But, that's just wrong and irresponsible, isn't it?
: "to deliberately obfuscate matters to prevent non-geeks
: understanding"
: Isn't it?
: I mean, it is someone's right, I guess, but how does what
: they learned, but can't express for us, help us?
: Sure, anyone can post anything on topic.
: But, isn't there an implied courtesy to make it
: understandable to most of the readers of a group?
: I simply don't see the point of posting what is mumbo-jumbo.
: Sure, they can, if they want. But, what a waste!
: What is it you don't understand about that?
: Alan Moorman
I've pretty much stayed out of this argument, but I think something
needs to be mentioned. While some of you that are "high and mighty"
that think others need to come up to your level.. did you ever think
that there might be some here that aren't able to come up to that
type of reading comprehension no matter how long they sit and read
a page? There are some I'm sure here that have learning disabilities,
thoses who take other medications that prevent reading comprehension,
etc.. is it fair to those folks to basically call them "stupid" or "lazy"
they have issues that prevent them from being able to follow along. I am
posting this for a friend that is a psychologist, who's now been diagnosed
a T2 and happens to have been born deaf and without a terp it takes her
much longer to try to figure out what all of your big fancy words translate
into simple everyday english since in ASL, they don't use fancy words.. Life
is real, life is simple.
We aren't in a college lecture.. this is a simple newsgroup where the
average person SUPPORTS the average person.. if you aren't able to
be supportive however or whatever that might be.. then maybe you
need to just not post and waste bandwidth.
It certainly can go both ways.
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