On Feb 18, 6:23 am, Martha Stokes > wrote:
> When I was a young girl I always wanted a large family. At the age of
> 19 I was married to the most wonderful man I had ever met. We had
> eight children together, and the oldest was still living at home but
> was had just started college. Last week I went shopping and brought
> home the usual trunkload of groceries, which included several jars ofPeterPanpeanutbutter. Sunday evening I prepared 18peanutbutter
> and jelly sandwiches for all the kids to take to their schools and a
> few for my husband to take to work at his construction job.
Your college age child and husband were getting pb&j sandwiches for
lunch? Who the hell packs grade school sandwiches like that for people
of that age, anyway? What were you, adding a Capri Sun pouch and Fruit
Rollups packet along with their lunches?
> As it turned out, thePeterPanpeanutbutterkilled every one
> of them.
Maybe if you'd fed them decent lunches instead of pb&j, they'd be
alive today. Methink 'twas the malnutrition that killed them, not
Peter Pan.
> My whole family was wiped out in a matter of hours because of eating thispeanutbutter
Awwww, but surely not your whole family. I mean, your siblings,
parents, cousins, aunts, and uncles are still alive, right?
> All I see now are
> doctors and coroners, undertakers, and police investigators.
Funny how between all of the funeral arrangements you allegedly have
to make and all the people you have to meet, you found the time to
type this message. Hmmm... Well, guess it's as they say... we all
deal with grief in our own way. Some mourn in dignity in the privacy
of their own homes; others splatter the grisly details of their
personal lives with anonymous strangers in cyberspace. ;-)
> I am considering eating the remainingpeanutbutterjust to end my own
> life as well, because I have nothing left in this world.
And how would you propose doing that, given that the investigators
that you are burdened with seeing most likely confiscated it all for a
round of testing, as well as to prevent further contamination?
But all is not lost! You can still kill yourself! Break into the lab
where the peanut butter samples are stored. Make sure you go there
with a gun, so that you can get fired upon by security guards in a
hail of bullets. Definitely a more dramatic and memorable way to go,
rather than eating tainted peanut butter, don't you think?