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Cindy Fuller
external usenet poster
Posts: 599
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(TammyM) wrote:
> It's so spring-like today, I'm motivated to start thinking about my
> herb garden. My sage, oregano, rosemary and lavendar grow year-round.
> The thyme bit the dust last year. I'm curious what other folks
> usually grow, herb-wise? My list, including the above is:
> sage
> oregano
> rosemary
> thyme
> parsley
> mint (several different varieties)
> basil
> dill*
> cilantro*
> leaf curry - if I can find a source for it
> *I have trouble growing these but will give it a shot again. The
> cilantro typically bolts.
> How about you, do you grow your own herbs? (not THAT herb!)
> TammyM
The rosemary bush is threatening to take over the front yard. I have
chives, thyme, mint, and parsley in my window box--they pretty much grow
year-round. I'll plant basil and oregano later this year. Sunset
magazine had a good idea for growing cilantro last year to keep it from
bolting. You plant a bunch of seeds in a broad planter and shear off
sections as you need them. If you use cilantro as much as we do, this
may be a bolt-proof method. I plan on trying it this year.
C.J. Fuller
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Cindy Fuller
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