Thread: Baked Beans
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W. Baker W. Baker is offline
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Default Glucotoxicity

In Alan wrote:
: On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 01:11:24 +0000 (UTC), "W. Baker"
: > wrote:

: >In Alan Moorman > wrote:
: >: >So we should dumb down to the lowest denominator? We could t
: >: >alk in a way that my dughter, who has Down syndrome and has
: >: >an IQ of less than 50 might understand. Would that be better
: >: >for you? If you want stuff dumbed down how will you ever
: >: >learn anything? You will stay at the same level of
: >: >understanding and then whine about it.
: >
: >: Oh, for Christ's sake!
: >
: >: No.
: >
: >: Talk so a person with an IQ of about 100, who isn't a
: >: scientist, can understand how the otherwise incomprehensible
: >: blather relates to their daily struggle to maintain their
: >: health with diabetes.
: >
: >: What the heck is so off-putting about that concept?
: >
: >: Really, what's wrong with that?????????
: >
: >: I can't see ANY reason for you all to object to my
: >: criticism, unless you WANT to be all elite and snobby.
: >
: >: Too bad for you guys, it limits you soooo much.
: >
: >: Alan
: >
: >If you actually had a group aimed at the 100IQ we could not have all the
: >non-scientific posts we have here. It is remarkable how limited it would
: >be.

: Isn't 100 average?

: Are you saying people in this group are way below average?

: >As it is, we have posts suitable for all kinds of people so each can
: >find what s/he needs and just can skip what they don't want to plow
: >through or is too repetitious for them. using the lowest cmmon
: >denominator would bore most people here to death very soon and would not
: >give us all kinds of new information that many of us can only get part of,
: >but would otherwise miss entirely.
: >
: >Oversiplification is one of the problems with much of the material we get
: >as diabetics in all those leaflets and booklets at the doctor's office.
: >We want more, so we come here and often struggle to understand, but our
: >intellegence is not insulted as it would be with dumbed down material.
: >
: >Wendy

: Of course, but I would hope that someone who had researched
: some point, and who could post it in a way that only a
: scientist could understand, would also have the courtesy to
: relate it in a way that an average person could understand
: it and apply it to their own on-going battle with diabetes.

: What's so darn strange about that?????

: Alan Moorman

If you follow a thread you often get, from the comments of others, what is
being said that you may not have understood at first. Because of the way
I read mail it is a dreadful nuisance to check oupt urls without going
through a whole rigamarole. I, therefore, "cheat" and and wait for later
posters to makecomments that make clear to me what is being discussed.

Exercise a little patience in these threads and you will, generally,
understand what is being discussed.
